Last week F and I rode down to Old Town SD to witness El Dia de los Muertos, San Diego style. It seemed a bit subdued at first, just a few shrines (albeit cool shrines) set up here and there. But
as we made our way through OT we saw more participants with Day of the Dead skull face paint, more shrines, more candles, and women dressed in beautifully elaborate gowns with black veils. Old Town did not disappoint.
But then! Whilst unlocking our bikes we saw hundreds (yes, hundreds) of people coming down the street toward the cemetery. Each person held a candle, some were singing, some were veiled. They congregated in the cemetery at the edge of Old Town to pay their respects.
{shrine, skulls, pan dulces}
{paper, candle}
{large shrine}
{paper flag, candle}
{heart-shaped candelabra}
{paper flag, me}
{painted skeleton}
{lone street lamp}
{elaborate shrine}
{the procession begins}
{procession continued}
{procession in full swing}
{hundreds congregating in cemetery}
{night portrait 1}
{night portrait 2}