Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Heart Ryan Gosling (weekend).

We saw Drive last weekend with my folks. I found it thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommend it. If you enjoy an artful blend of 80s-inspired electronica and a subdued (almost speechless) Ryan Gosling, with a sprinkling of wanton bloodshed*, then this is your movie (and mine).** 

Fran-man and I spent the weekend at my folk's place, meaning I spent the better part of the weekend in my pajamas. There's an amazing comfort in sitting at the breakfast table until 1pm sipping a cup of coffee and reading outdated issues of the New Yorker, "contributing" to the LA Times Crossword puzzle effort. All other activities involved the television and/or food.

We did manage to leave the house twice, once for a social outing (yes, we're popular, no, it's not a big deal) and once for a gritty game of family bocceballfrisbeesoccer at the park. Both highlights.

{putting to use a wedding card bought in Boulder}

{fountain, candlelight}

{joint-Oktoberfest-themed wedding shower for some friends}

{hors d'oeuvres}

{being chatty with the bride-to-be}



{lost in sudoku}

*Like a guy being stabbed in the eye with a fork.
**Should I be concerned that I develop a crush on R.Gosling after a movie like Drive, and not the Notebook? I don't think so either.

Not pictured:
-a going away party for a good friend (Seattle!)
-a bratwurst eating contest from which I was most gladly excluded (vegetarianism has its perks)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


{This is for realsies my first weekend post in quite a while. Whoops.}

A bizarre flu kept me out of commission last weekend, so - with my health restored - this weekend I planned to do all the things. My efforts were thwarted a bit when Francis came down with the bug, but we persevered and had ourselves a merry little weekend (thanks in large part to Fran Man being such a great sport).

Some noteworthy highlights (in order of occurrence, if you're interested):
-superfluous amounts of red wine and vanilla ice cream, simultaneously.
-cafe cards + hot chocolate
-passing a bearded lady at Whole Foods several times. (True story)
-feasting on Whole Foods delicacies we usually can't afford (thanks, Living Social)

{Francis enjoying his tea before escoba got out of hand



{sunday afternoon portrait before escoba got out of hand. again.}

{I know this eggless tofu curry salad doesn't photograph so well but it was damn good.


{there are no words...}


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Power Outages are Fun.

Last Thursday a (probably former) employee of the state of Arizona fiddled with a wire near Yuma and caused a massive power outage across Southern California and parts of Arizona.

I won't say it wasn't awesome. Because it was.

We walked through our neighborhood in complete darkness save for the light of the moon (and headlamp). The camaraderie amongst the townsfolk of San Diego was quite amazing. It took a power outage to force us all out of our houses and meet each other. We survived thanks to our gas stove/gas water heater and our arsenal of candles.

I won't say how many times we each walked into a room and absentmindedly flipped the light switch. I won't!

{dinner and scrabble by light of candle(s)}

{never been so glad for a gas stove and gas water heater}

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Tragedy struck about two weeks ago when Francis' bike was stolen. Stolen. Some fool walked up to our bikes locked together, and to a tree, in front of a busy restaurant, in a safe part of town with bolt cutters and snipped our locks (two), walking off with the bike as if it were his own. We know he had bolt cutters because this shenanigan was caught on a security camera - not that the footage will help us find him, but it did show us how depressingly easy it was for this guy to steal it.

We were having dessert with friends. The post-dessert conversation moved outside where we realized with horror that the bike had been jacked. The next hour was spent in an adrenaline-fueled grid search for the thief so we could serve up some piping hot Street Justice.

No luck.

Bike theft is one of those things that happens all the time. Everybody knows someone that has had their bike stolen, if it hasn't happened to them personally. But despite how common it is, when it happens to you (or at least to us) all you can think is - seriously? SERIOUSLY? Who does that? 


Yes, it's just a bike (and lights, and helmet, and saddle bags, and handlebar extensions) - not a car. But it is F's main source of transportation. He rides everyday. That combined with him not being in a financial situation to replace it is enough to make a vengeful person like me scour craigslist like a madwoman all squinty-eye and suspicious-like, muttering to myself how I plan to take revenge.

And it wasn't even my bike.

I digress. If we find it, great. If not, bummer. We've been up to some other things too...*

{twilight portrait}

{happy hour}

{pier portrait}

{try as he might, I don't give him the satisfaction of an honest smile. muaha!}

{sister video chat! minus the lil'un}

{a week later sprig thing is still going strong}

*Like happy hour.
  Like stealing collecting bougainvillea from public property for home beautification.
  Like listening to a Beatles cover band from the pier outside the Embarcadero (cause we don't need no stinking tickets).
  Like video chatting with the latest sister-bird to fly the nest.