Tuesday, September 20, 2011


{This is for realsies my first weekend post in quite a while. Whoops.}

A bizarre flu kept me out of commission last weekend, so - with my health restored - this weekend I planned to do all the things. My efforts were thwarted a bit when Francis came down with the bug, but we persevered and had ourselves a merry little weekend (thanks in large part to Fran Man being such a great sport).

Some noteworthy highlights (in order of occurrence, if you're interested):
-superfluous amounts of red wine and vanilla ice cream, simultaneously.
-cafe cards + hot chocolate
-passing a bearded lady at Whole Foods several times. (True story)
-feasting on Whole Foods delicacies we usually can't afford (thanks, Living Social)

{Francis enjoying his tea before escoba got out of hand



{sunday afternoon portrait before escoba got out of hand. again.}

{I know this eggless tofu curry salad doesn't photograph so well but it was damn good.


{there are no words...}


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