Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend, at a glance

This weekend was relaxing and fun. Got some work done and was able to clean a bit..always nice.

Friday F and I rode bikes to a restaurant that turned out to be too cool for us. So instead, we gladly picked up a Bronx pizza and headed back home to eat it and almost play half a game of monopoly.

Saturday, we rode bikes all over town: first to a cafe to peruse old issues of AD, then to the nursery to check out possibilities for the big day (eek!) and to the park for some reading and frisbee.

Sunday: got some work done, cleaned the apartment a bit...and begrudgingly put away the Christmas decorations.

Eggplant and pesto pizza

reading at the park

Me making a triumphant catch

action shot

Now..I don't want to call it a resolution because that just as sure means that I won't follow through with it. GOAL for the new year is to try a different recipe every week. My madre got me a couple great vegetarian cookbooks for Christmas, so my first new recipe attempt of 2010 was: Zucchini Fritters...great success!


fritters and cucumber yogurt dipping sauce

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