Monday, April 12, 2010


Well I'm getting better..just a day late with the weekend post. This weekend was uneventful in the best way. I was sedated a bit by some very strong antibiotics for that damn tonsilitis, so I took it easy and it was great. I headed up to Los Alamitos to visit the fam while Francis went snowboarding with friends in Mammoth.

We watched movies, played games, went out to dinner, I let my sisters tear through bags of clothes I cleaned out of my closet and I treated myself to long overdue new running shoes. And I took a little trip down memory lane and found my all time favorite book from when I was little.

we love scattegories

my favorite children's book

beautiful watercolor illustrations

I also had a wonderful and much too brief visit with an old friend. (Bon voyage, Samantha!)

1 comment:

  1. Yay I loved seeing you!!! We will have to catch up when I return :)

    I told Erin I saw you and realized we've known each other for almost 20 years! Insane...
