Thursday, August 5, 2010

thurdsay gripe

It's Thursday. I thought it was Friday when I woke up, but it's not. I hate that. Here are some other things I hate:

-when people don't capitalize 'i' when it should be capitalized. It's lazy and incorrect. I hate it.
-when people don't understand what YIELD signs mean.
-peep-toe shoes. They make my feet look big and mannish.
-getting cut in line.
-when people constantly stare at their phones in the company of others. Newsflash: it's rude.
-computer problems
-when a car pulls up next to me at a stoplight with the bass blaring.
-when people don't say 'please' and 'thank you'.
-when people misuse semicolons.
-fighting the urge to go get a burrito for dinner every night while F is out of town.
-bad photography. I mean really bad.
-Twilight and all subsequent series of the vampire craze.
-when Trader Joes is out of everything I need.
-constant facebook status updates. No one cares. Especially me.

Ah, that feels better. I should balance out my hate list with a love list. But I'm not going to. Happy Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Pass this along to all to all your semicolon users/abusers:
