Monday, April 25, 2011


We Chilled.

I/we caught up on my/our chill time this weekend. We walked along the harbor, had a Saturday afternoon picnic, enjoyed some homemade pizza (incuding homemade dough that's quickly becoming a weekly dinner fallback) and I whipped up some Easter coffee cake.* Any and all gaps between those activities were filled with reading outside.

{sailboat in the harbor}

{some very fitting middle sister - rebel red wine. thanks family}

{the bees have been busy with our baby  lemon tree}

{we have a house guest this week. her name is Coco. like Chanel.}

{our romaine garden is in abundance}

*You may have noticed that I take a lot of photos of food yet don't take photos us actually making food. Our kitchen has some natural light, but not much and certainly no evening light (the hour at which almost all baking urges overtake me); this isn't helped by the fact that our whole kitchen is covered in pink tile. We don't mind the pink tile, it totally works with our old house but it doesn't translate well via camera. I try to take pictures of some successful recipes step-by-step and they always end up looking like a serial killer's kitchen, and no amount of editing can make our kitchen look less frightening. Seriously, even if it is the most innocent and cheerful activity, as soon as a picture it taken it looks like SAW IV. Sorry, guys.

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