Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seattle, Part I

We're back. Our trip was fantastic. We walked miles upon miles, took a bajillion photos, I'm still full from the food we ate, and it's good to be home.

Seattle was awesome. I'd never been and I think I left a little piece of my heart there. We were lucky enough to have sunshine most of the day (and no rain!) while we poured through the city on foot. We hit Pike's Place market first (naturally) and it didn't disappoint. It was great starting the day with something quintessentially 'Seattle' like Pike's. We stocked up on surprisingly good fruit (I thought all fruit was bland outside of my beloved California) for our stay.

We wandered through downtown towards the Space Needle, stopping for fuel in the form of decadent baked goods, Seattle-style. Not wanting to shell out the dough to get on the the inside of the Space Needle or the Rock & Roll Museum, we explored their surrounds. Stay turned for Part Deux....

{flying Virgin}


{downtown from afar}

{messing with the new camera}

{some hip city art in the parking lot}

{buildings, fog}

{flowers at Pike's}

{fish, lots and lots of fish}

{fish eyes}


{fog rolling in/out}

{cafe break, chewing}

{brunch of champions = 2 muffins + bagel}

{messing around in a sculpture garden}

{hiding in a sculpture garden}

{F basking in a botanical garden}

{Mr. Frank Gehry}


{Space Needle from afar}

1 comment:

  1. i love the picture of you "hiding" in the sculpture garden!
