Monday, September 6, 2010


Ah, a glorious three day weekend. When these rare three day weekends come around I'm always torn between using them to relax or using them to catch up on all of the crap I don't get done on regular weekends. This weekend, I acquiescently chose the former.

Friday night we did absolutely nothing and it was perfect. I came down from the stress high of the day with a margarita and an hour of silence.

Saturday I made an epic breakfast of cream-cheese-raspberry-coffee-cake and we proceeded to eat 2/3 of it in one sitting. The almost summer-like weather Saturday afternoon drove us to Coronado to celebrate via frisbee and skim boarding.

Sunday we broke with tradition and joined friends at the Moet Champagne party at the Ivy downtown. We lounged in the pool whilst we were served free champagne over mint leaves. The party was indeed so fabulous that afterwords we got our bearings eating giant burritos and taking a two hour nap.

Monday was cloudy and lazy. I relaxed for a few hours with a giant cup of coffee and my beloved September issue (still only making my way through a quarter of it), while F studied for his (final!) architecture licensing exam. That evening we went up north for a short Labor day beach picnic.

{the bible}

{ahhhh epic coffee cake}



{he's skimming, not prancing}


{celebrating 'summer'. and going through a braid phase}

{not a real life saving device I don't think. unless Moet is a life saving device}

{plush towels}



{enjoying the lukewarm pool}



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